imroatul, hasanah (2018) PenalaranmatematissiswaMts-SA NurulKaromahdalammenyelesaikanmasalahhimpunanberdasarkangayakognitifreflektif-impulsif. Skripsi.Program studipendidikanmatematika. UNSPECIFIED thesis, STKIP PGRI Bangkalan.
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ABSTRAK ImroatulHasanah. 2018. PenalaranmatematissiswaMts-SA NurulKaromahdalammenyelesaikanmasalahhimpunanberdasarkangayakognitifreflektif-impulsif. Skripsi.Program studipendidikanmatematika.STKIP PGTRI Bangkalan.juni 2018. (I) DidikHermanto, M.Pd (II) RiaFaulina, M.Si. katakunci : Penalaranmatematis, penyelesaianmasalah, Himpunan, gayakognitifreflektif-impulsi. Peneltianinibertujuanuntukmendeskripsikanpenalaranmatematissiswa yang bergayakognitifreflektifdanimpulsifdalammenyelesaikanmasalahhimpunan.Adapunjenispenelitianiniadalahdeskriptifkualitatif.Metodepengumpulan data yang digunakanadalahmetodewawancaraberbasistugas, dimanainstrumenyang digunakanadalahtesgayakognitif, tugaspenyelesaianmasalah, danpedomanwawancara. Tehnikkeabsahan data yang digunakandalampenelitianiniadalahtriangulasiwaktu.Langkah-langkahanalisis data dalampenelitianmeliputireduksi data penyajian data, danpenarikankesimpulan.Hasilpeneltian yang diperolehadalah: padatahapmemahamimasalah, subjekreflektifmenuliskaninformasi yang diketahuidanditanyasecaralengkapsedangkansubjekimpulsifmenuliskaninformasi yang diketahuidanditanyakuranglengkap. Padatahapmenyusunrencanasubjekmenggunakaninformasi yang diketahuidanditanya.Padatahapmelaksanakanrencanasubjekreflektifmenuliskanjawabandenganbenarsedangkansubjekimpulsifmenuliskanjawabansalahpadaperhitunganpadasalahsatujawaban.Padatahapmenafsirkembalijawaban, subjekreflektifmemeriksakembalijawabansecara detail sedangkansubjekimpulsiftidaksecara detail. ABSTRACT ImroatulHasanah. 2018. Students’ Mathematical Reasoning of MTs-SA of NurulKaromah in Solving the Set Problem based on Reflective-impulse Cognitive Style. Thesis. Mathematics Education Department. STKIP PGTRI Bangkalan. june 2018. Advisors: (I) DidikHermanto, M.Pd (II) RiaFaulina, M.Si. Keywords: Mathematical reasoning, problem solving, Set, cognitive style of impulse. This study aims to describe the students' cognitive reflective and impulsive mathematical reasoning in solving the set problem. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative. The data collection method used is task-based interview method, where the instrument used is cognitive style test, problem solving task, and interview guidance. The technique of data validity used in this research is time triangulation. The steps of data analysis in the study include data reduction of data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The result of the research is elaborated as follows: at the stage of understanding the problem, the reflective subject wrote the information that was known and asked completely while the impulsive subject wrote the information that was known and asked incompletely. At the stage of planning, the subject used information that was known and asked. At the stage of implementing the plan, the reflective subject wrote the answer correctly while the impulsive subject wrote the wrong answer on the calculation. In the answer-reinterpreting stage, the reflective subject re-examined the answer in detail while the impulsive subject did not.
Item Type: | Thesis (UNSPECIFIED) |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) |
Depositing User: | Users 10 not found. |
Date Deposited: | 24 Sep 2018 07:29 |
Last Modified: | 24 Sep 2018 07:29 |
URI: | |
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