Anista, (2018) Kemampuan Siswa SMP Kelas VIII Dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Cerita Tentang Operasi Bilangan Pecahan Ditinjau Dari Gaya Belajar. UNSPECIFIED thesis, STKIP PGRI Bangkalan.
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ABSTRAK Anista. 2018. Profil Kemampuan Siswa SMP Kelas VIII Dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Cerita Tentang Operasi Bilangan Pecahan Ditinjau Dari Gaya Belajar. Skripsi. Program StudiPendidikanMatematika. STKIP PGRI Bangkalan. Pembimbing: (1) Didik Hermanto, M.Pd, dan (2)Moh. Affaf, M.Si Kata Kunci :Profil, Kemampuan Menyelesaikan SoalCerita, Gaya Belajar Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmendeskripsikanprofil kemampuan siswa SMP kelas VIII dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita tentang operasi bilangan pecahan ditinjau dari gaya belajar. Jenispenelitianiniadalahdeskriptifkualitatif. Subjekdipilihberdasarkanhasiltesgayabelajar yang diadopsidariAdi W Gunawan. Instrumendalampenelitianini terdiri dariinstrumenutamayaitupenelitiitusendiri daninstrumen bantu yaitutesgayabelajar, tugaspenyelesaiansoal cerita, danpedomanwawancara. Teknikpengumpulan data dalampenelitianinimenggunakantekniktesdanteknikwawancaraberbasistugas. Sedangkan teknik analis data yang digunakan menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman yang meliputi reduksi, penyajian dan kesimpulan. Hasilpenelitiandapatdideskripsikansebagaiberikut. Dalammenyebutandanmenulisanapa yang diketahuidanapa yang ditanyakan, subjekmampumenyebutkandanmenuliskanapa yang diketahuidanapa yang ditanyakandengantepat. Dalammenyebutkanrumus-rumuspenyelesaian, untukpertanyaan a seluruhsubjekmenggunakanpengurangandanuntukpertanyaan b SV dan SA menggunakanpenjumlahan, sedangkan SK menggunakanpenjumlahandanperkalian. Dalammembuatrencanatahapanpenyelesaian, subjekmampumembuatrencanatahapanpenyelesaiandengantepat. Dalammenyelesaikansoalsesuailangkah yang telahdibuat, subjektidakdapatmenyelesaikanyadengantepatsehinggasubjektidakdapatmenuliskanhasil yang diperolehdenganbenaryaitu, SV menuliskanwaktu yang diperlukanuntukpanenkelapasawitadalah 3 tahun 3 bulandanpak Ali dapatmenjualpanenpertamanyasebanyak 131/4 ton, SA menuliskan waktu panen kelapa sawit adalah 31/4 tahun dan pak Ali menjualhasilpanensebanyak 131/4 ton, sedangkan SK menuliskan waktu yang diperlukan untuk panen kelapa sawit adalah 21/4 tahun dan pak Ali menjual hasil panen kelapa sawit sebanyak 133/4 ton. ABSTRACT Anista. 2018. The Profile of Junior High School Grade VIII Students’ Ability in Solving Stories Problem About Fractional NumberOperation Viewed from Learning Styles. Thesis. Mathematics Education Department. STKIP PGRI Bangkalan. Advisors: (1) DidikHermanto, M. Pd, and (2) Moh. Affaf, M.Si Keywords: Profile, Ability to Solve Problem Stories, Learning Styles This study aims to describe the profile of the ability of junior high school students in class VIII to solve the story problem about the operation of fractions in terms of learning style. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative. The subjects were selected based on the learning style test adopted from Adi W Gunawan. Instruments in this study consists of the main instrument, that is, the researcher himself and the auxiliary instruments namely learning style test, the task of solving the story problem, and interview guidelines. The data collection techniques in this study is using test techniques and task-based interview techniques. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique used is using Miles and Huberman model, which includes reduction, presentation and conclusion. The results can be described as follows: In calling and writing what is known and what is asked, the subject is able to name and write down what is known and what is asked correctly. In mentioning the settlement formulas, for the question a whole subject uses subtraction and for questions b SV and SA use sum, whereas SK uses sum and multiplication. In preparing the completion plan, the subject is able to plan the completion stage appropriately. In solving the problem according to the steps that have been made, the subject can not solve it correctly so that the subject can not write the results obtained correctly that is, SV write down the time required for oil palm harvest is 3 years 3 months and pack Ali can sell his first harvest as many as 131/4tons, SA wrote that the timing of oil palm harvest was 31/4years and Pak Ali sells 131/4tons of crops, while SK declared the time required for oil palm harvest is 21/4years and Mr. Ali sells oil palm crops as much as 133/4tons. ABSTRAK Anista. 2018. Profil Kemampuan Siswa SMP Kelas VIII Dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Cerita Tentang Operasi Bilangan Pecahan Ditinjau Dari Gaya Belajar. Skripsi. Program StudiPendidikanMatematika. STKIP PGRI Bangkalan. Pembimbing: (1) Didik Hermanto, M.Pd, dan (2)Moh. Affaf, M.Si Kata Kunci :Profil, Kemampuan Menyelesaikan SoalCerita, Gaya Belajar Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmendeskripsikanprofil kemampuan siswa SMP kelas VIII dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita tentang operasi bilangan pecahan ditinjau dari gaya belajar. Jenispenelitianiniadalahdeskriptifkualitatif. Subjekdipilihberdasarkanhasiltesgayabelajar yang diadopsidariAdi W Gunawan. Instrumendalampenelitianini terdiri dariinstrumenutamayaitupenelitiitusendiri daninstrumen bantu yaitutesgayabelajar, tugaspenyelesaiansoal cerita, danpedomanwawancara. Teknikpengumpulan data dalampenelitianinimenggunakantekniktesdanteknikwawancaraberbasistugas. Sedangkan teknik analis data yang digunakan menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman yang meliputi reduksi, penyajian dan kesimpulan. Hasilpenelitiandapatdideskripsikansebagaiberikut. Dalammenyebutandanmenulisanapa yang diketahuidanapa yang ditanyakan, subjekmampumenyebutkandanmenuliskanapa yang diketahuidanapa yang ditanyakandengantepat. Dalammenyebutkanrumus-rumuspenyelesaian, untukpertanyaan a seluruhsubjekmenggunakanpengurangandanuntukpertanyaan b SV dan SA menggunakanpenjumlahan, sedangkan SK menggunakanpenjumlahandanperkalian. Dalammembuatrencanatahapanpenyelesaian, subjekmampumembuatrencanatahapanpenyelesaiandengantepat. Dalammenyelesaikansoalsesuailangkah yang telahdibuat, subjektidakdapatmenyelesaikanyadengantepatsehinggasubjektidakdapatmenuliskanhasil yang diperolehdenganbenaryaitu, SV menuliskanwaktu yang diperlukanuntukpanenkelapasawitadalah 3 tahun 3 bulandanpak Ali dapatmenjualpanenpertamanyasebanyak 131/4 ton, SA menuliskan waktu panen kelapa sawit adalah 31/4 tahun dan pak Ali menjualhasilpanensebanyak 131/4 ton, sedangkan SK menuliskan waktu yang diperlukan untuk panen kelapa sawit adalah 21/4 tahun dan pak Ali menjual hasil panen kelapa sawit sebanyak 133/4 ton. ABSTRACT Anista. 2018. The Profile of Junior High School Grade VIII Students’ Ability in Solving Stories Problem About Fractional NumberOperation Viewed from Learning Styles. Thesis. Mathematics Education Department. STKIP PGRI Bangkalan. Advisors: (1) DidikHermanto, M. Pd, and (2) Moh. Affaf, M.Si Keywords: Profile, Ability to Solve Problem Stories, Learning Styles This study aims to describe the profile of the ability of junior high school students in class VIII to solve the story problem about the operation of fractions in terms of learning style. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative. The subjects were selected based on the learning style test adopted from Adi W Gunawan. Instruments in this study consists of the main instrument, that is, the researcher himself and the auxiliary instruments namely learning style test, the task of solving the story problem, and interview guidelines. The data collection techniques in this study is using test techniques and task-based interview techniques. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique used is using Miles and Huberman model, which includes reduction, presentation and conclusion. The results can be described as follows: In calling and writing what is known and what is asked, the subject is able to name and write down what is known and what is asked correctly. In mentioning the settlement formulas, for the question a whole subject uses subtraction and for questions b SV and SA use sum, whereas SK uses sum and multiplication. In preparing the completion plan, the subject is able to plan the completion stage appropriately. In solving the problem according to the steps that have been made, the subject can not solve it correctly so that the subject can not write the results obtained correctly that is, SV write down the time required for oil palm harvest is 3 years 3 months and pack Ali can sell his first harvest as many as 131/4tons, SA wrote that the timing of oil palm harvest was 31/4years and Pak Ali sells 131/4tons of crops, while SK declared the time required for oil palm harvest is 21/4years and Mr. Ali sells oil palm crops as much as 133/4tons.
Item Type: | Thesis (UNSPECIFIED) |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) |
Depositing User: | Users 10 not found. |
Date Deposited: | 24 Sep 2018 07:16 |
Last Modified: | 24 Sep 2018 07:25 |
URI: | |
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