Tuturan Verba Ilokusi dalam Kolom Komentar Instagram @ppgkemendikbud Edisi Januari dan Februari 2024 (Analisis Pragmatik Kreidler)

Zahrotun Nafisah, Nafisah (2024) Tuturan Verba Ilokusi dalam Kolom Komentar Instagram @ppgkemendikbud Edisi Januari dan Februari 2024 (Analisis Pragmatik Kreidler). STKIP PGRI BANGKALAN.

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Nafisah, Zahrotun. 2024. Illocutionary Verb Speech in the Instagram Comment Column @ppgkemendikbud January and February 2024 Edition (Kreidler's Pragmatic Analysis). Thesis, Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, STKIP PGRI Bangkalan. Supervisor: Junal, M.Pd. Keywords: Speech, Illocutionary Verbs, Comment Column Speech is used as a verbal communication tool in everyday life. The speech sentence delivered by the speech partner contains the intention to convey something. According to Leoni, speech acts are part of speech events, and speech events are part of speech situations. Each speech event is limited to activities, or aspects of activities that are directly regulated by rules or norms for the speaker. This panel raised the issue of illocutionary speech in the Instagram comments column @ppgkemendikbud. According to Kreidler's theory, illocutionary speech is divided into seven types, namely assertive speech, directive speech, expressive speech, phatic speech, commissive speech, performative speech and verdictive speech. The type of illocutionary utterance according to Kreidler's theory is taken to formulate the problem in this research. This research aims to find out illocutionary verbs according to Kreidler in the Instagram comments column @ppgkemendikbud. This research uses a qualitative research method that analyzes the speech acts of illocutionary verbs in the comments column. The results of this research are illocutionary verb utterances in the Instagram comment column @ppgkemendikbud January and February 2024 editions. The data obtained in this research was 75 pieces of data, consisting of: assertive utterances of predictions, protests, reporting, and warnings. Directive commands and requests. Expressive speech of suggestions, apologies, and thanks. Phatic speech says hello and congratulates. Commissive speech is threatening. performative speech commands. Verdictive speech assesses.

Item Type: Other
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Date Deposited: 08 Aug 2024 04:16
Last Modified: 08 Aug 2024 04:16
URI: http://repo.stkippgri-bkl.ac.id/id/eprint/3556

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