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ABSTRAK Kata Kunci: eksistensi, feminisme, novel, Perempuan, ekonomi, sosial, pendidikan. Gerakan feminis telah membawa dampak positif bagi perempuan dengan diterimanya sosok perempuan di lingkungan kerja dan pemerintahan yang dulunya hanya diperuntukkan untuk laki-laki. Perempuan yang dulunya ditindas dan dianggap sebagai sosok kedua setelah laki-laki mulai berani bersaing dengan menunjukkan kemampuannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan feminisme yang mendasarkan kerjanya pada novel feminis berjudul Pachinko karya Min Jin Lee. Metodologisnya menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data dokumentasi catat dan klasifikasi. Beberapa tahapan analisis datanya yaitu mengidentifikasi, mengklasifikasi, menganalisis, dan menyimpulkan. penulis dapat mengambil kesimpulan yaitu : a) Eksistensi perempuan di bidang ekonomi pada budaya patriarki yang tedapat dalam novel Pachinko karya Min Jin Lee artinya posisi atau peran perempuan di bidang ekonomi yang pada saat itu tengah menganut budaya yang menempatkan posisi laki-laki sebagai sosok otoritas utama. Dalam novel Pachinko tokoh utama dari novel ini yakni Sunja membuktikan bahwa dia mampu hidup dan menghidupi keluarganya di tengah-tengah budaya patriaki, usaha dan kerja kerasnya menjadikan gambarana bagi kaum perempuan bahwasanya perempuan mampu hidup di tengah budaya apa pun dengan usaha dan kerja keras. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa budaya patriarki tidak harus diterima secara mutlak oleh perempuan.. b) Eksistensi perempuan di bidang sosial pada budaya patriarki yang tedapat dalam novel Pachinko karya Min Jin Lee yaitu peran perempuan di bidang sosial pada buadaya yang menempatkan sosok laki-laki sebagai otoritas utama. Novel Pachinko ini menjelaskan bagaimana sosok Sunja membantu, mengayomi serta bersosialisasi dengan lingkungan sekitar yang mana pada saat itu dia adalah warga baru. c) Eksistensi perempuan di bidang pendidikan pada budaya patriarki yang tedapat dalam novel Pachinko karya Min Jin Lee artinya peran atau posisi perempuan di bidang pendidikan. Tokoh utama yang di perankan oleh sunja ini adalah gadis belia yang hanya tau kerasnya hidup dan tau beerja keras dia tidak tau apa itu pendidikan bahkan dia tidak pernah meninjakkan kaki di dunia pendidikan. Namun, dia mampu menjadi sosok ibu yang mendidik anak-anaknya sampai ke jenjang perguruan tertinggi. ABSTRACT Thesis by Wasilatur Rohmah, with the title The Existence of Women in Patriarchal Culture in the novel Pachinko by Min Jin Lee. (Feminism theory) Thesis, Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program. Advisor 1 Dr. Mariam Ulfa, M.Pd. Supervisor 2 Dr. Ely Masnawati, M.Pd. Keywords: existence, feminism, novel, women, economics, social, education. The feminist movement has had a positive impact on women by accepting women in work and government environments that were previously only reserved for men. Women who were previously oppressed and considered second only to men began to dare to compete by showing their abilities. This research uses a feminist approach which bases its work on the feminist novel entitled Pachinko by Min Jin Lee. The methodology uses a qualitative descriptive approach with detailed documentation and classification data collection. Several stages of data analysis are identification, classifying, analyzing and concluding. The writer can draw conclusions, namely: a) The existence of women in the economic field in the patriarchal culture contained in the novel Pachinko by Min Jin Lee means that the position or role of women in the economic field which at that time was embracing a culture that placed men as the main authority figure . In the Pachinko novel, the main character of this novel, Sunja, proves that she is able to live and support her family in the midst of a patriarchal culture, her efforts and hard work create an image for women that women are able to live in any culture with effort and hard work. This shows that patriarchal culture does not have to be accepted absolutely by women. b) The existence of women in the social field in the patriarchal culture contained in Min Jin Lee's novel Pachinko is the role of women in the social field in a culture that places men as the authority main. This Pachinko novel explains how the figure of Sunja helps, nurtures and socializes with the surrounding environment, where at that time she was a new resident. c) The existence of women in the field of education in the patriarchal culture contained in the novel Pachinko by Min Jin Lee means the role or position of women in the field of education. The main character played by Sunja is a young girl who only knows the hard way of life and knows how to work hard. She doesn't know what education is, and she has never even set foot in the world of education. However, she was able to become a mother who educated her children to the highest level of education.
Item Type: | Other |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) |
Depositing User: | S.Pd WASILATUR ROHMAH |
Date Deposited: | 11 Sep 2023 04:19 |
Last Modified: | 11 Sep 2023 04:19 |
URI: | |
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