Khairun, nisa' (2018) Proses BerpikirReflektifSiswa SMP dalamPemecahanMasalah SPLDV DitinjaudariKemampuanMatematika. UNSPECIFIED thesis, STKIP PGRI Bangkalan.
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ABSTRAK Nisa’, Khairun. 2018. Proses BerpikirReflektifSiswa SMP dalamPemecahanMasalah SPLDV DitinjaudariKemampuanMatematika. Program StudiPendidikanMatematika. STKIP PGRI Bangakalan. Pembimbing: (1) EnnyListiawati, S.Si.,M.Pd, dan (2) ZaifulUlum, M.Sc Kata Kunci: BerpikirReflektif, PemecahanMasalah, SPLDV, KemampuanMatematika Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmendeskripsikan proses berpikirreflektifsiswa SMP dalampemecahanmasalah SPLDV berkemampuanmatematikatinggi, kemampuanmatematikasedang, dankemampuanmatematikarendah. Jenispenelitianiniadalahdeskriptifkualitatif. Subjekdipilihberdasakanteskemampuanmatematikadengancarapemberiantes yang terdiridari 10 soaluraian.Terdapatduainstrumendalampenelitianiniyaituinstrumenutamayaitupenelitisendiridaninstrumenpendukungyaituinstrumenkemampuanmatematika, instrumentespemecahanmasalahdanpedomanwawancara. Dari hasilpenelitiandapatdisimpulkanbahwa Proses berpikirreflektifsiswa SMP berkemampuanmatematikatinggidalammenyelesaikanmasalah SPLDV adalahmemahamimasalahdenganmenentukanmaksuddaripermasalahan, menyebutkanapayang diketahuidan yang ditanyakan, merencanakanrencanapenyelesaiandenganmemilihmetode yang efektif, melaksanakanrencanadanmampumemeriksakembalijawabansehinggalebihyakinterhadapjawabannya. Proses berpikirreflektifsiswa SMP berkemampuanmatematikasedangdalammenyelesaikanmasalah SPLDV adalahmemahamimasalahdenganmenentukanmaksuddaripermasalah, menyebutkanapa yang diketahuidan yang ditanya, merencanakanrencanapenyelesaiandenganmemilihmetode yang efektif, melaksanakanrencanadanmampumemeriksakembalijawabansehinggalebihyakinterhadapjawabannya. Proses berpikirreflektifsiswa SMP berkemampuanmatematikarendahdalammenyelesaikanmasalah SPLDV adalahmemahamimasalahdenganmenetukanmaksuddaripermasalahan, menyebutkanapa yang diketahuidan yang ditanya, merencanakanrencanapenyelesaiandenganmemilihmetode yang efektifnamuntidakdapatmenyelesaikansoal, menyadariadakesalahannamuntidakdapatmemperbaikikesalahantersebut. ABSTRACT Nisa ', Khairun. 2018. Reflective Thinking Process of Junior High School Students in Problem Solving SPLDV Viewed from Mathematical Ability. Mathematics Education Department. STKIP PGRI Bangakalan. Advisors: (1) EnnyListiawati, S.Si.,M.Pd, and (2) ZaifulUlum, M.Sc. Keywords: Reflective Thinking, Problem Solving, SPLDV, Mathematical Ability This study aims to describe the reflective thinking process of junior high school students in solving SPLDV problems with high, moderate, and low math skills. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative. Subjects were selected based on mathematical ability test by giving a test consisting of 10 descriptive questions. There are two instruments in this research namely the main instrument, i.e. the researcher herself and supporting instrument, i.e. the instrument of mathematics ability, instrument of problem solving test and interview guide. From the result of the research, it can be concluded that the reflective thinking process of junior high school students with high math ability in solving SPLDV problem is to understand the problem by determining the purpose of the problem, mentioning what is known and questioned, planning the settlement plan by choosing effective method, executing the plan and able to check again answer so as to be more confident with the answer. The reflective thinking process of junior high school students with math skills in solving the SPLDV problem is understanding the problem by determining the determined of the problem, mentioning what is known and being asked, planning the settlement plan by selecting an effective method, executing the plan and being able to re-examine the answer so as to be more confident in the answer. The reflective thinking process of junior high school students with low math skills in solving SPLDV problems is to understand the problem by determining the intent of the problem, mentioning what is known and being asked, planning the settlement plan by choosing an effective method but not solving the problem, realizing there is an error but the subject cannot fix the error.
Item Type: | Thesis (UNSPECIFIED) |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) |
Depositing User: | Users 10 not found. |
Date Deposited: | 24 Sep 2018 08:31 |
Last Modified: | 24 Sep 2018 08:31 |
URI: | |
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